“Nothing teaches us about the preciousness of the Creator as much as when we learn the emptiness of everything else.” —Charles Spurgeon
Here’s to the days well-spent and the mercies anew and the overflowing cup of countless unexpected graces and gifts. Here’s to remembering that Christ is all one will ever truly need and that He is so very faithful and sovereign in every season. Here’s to remembering that life isn’t always easy, and that it’s okay to admit you’re a mess and don’t know what to do. Here’s to walking the journey filled with struggles and trials with a humble confidence in the sufficiency of the Lord. Here’s to taking a deep breath, and continuing on, one step at a time, realizing that the messy everyday is in fact, a wonderful, marvelous, gift from God.
17 is crazy, exciting, overwhelming, confusing, convicting, disappointing, and joy-filled as ever. But while each day passes, I realize that my home is not here; instead that beholding glory awaits and that the Potter is using these mundane, little happenings to transform me more into the image of His Son. I’m learning to whole-heartedly say, “It is well with my soul,” and “‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus.” I’m learning that there’s a lot of peace when you put everything of into the hands wounded for you and when you cast away all the empty things of the world. I’m learning to take joy in the little things and I’m clinging to the cross with hope; the same hope I held when my soul was saved making my love even deeper. God is changing my heart like he changes the leaves. It’s a glorious, wonderful season, and I am so very thankful.
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