Featuring recent imagery and heartfelt stories
It happens every fall. Every single fall. I start to notice that life is full, busy, overwhelming. That life is messy. I realize that I have nothing together in the slightest, amidst the weariness and the tiredness. I realize how everything longs for rest and peace, and the busier I become, the less joy I […]
“The fight for joy is the struggle to trust God with the burdens of life…it’s a fight for hope and peace and joy, which are all threatened by unbelief and doubt about God’s promises.” —John Piper As I type, the sun is coming through the blinds, painting splatters of light throughout the room and onto […]
Life lately has felt like an unpredictable sea in the midst of a dark, trying storm… A storm where seeing a foot in front of you is nearly impossible. A humming sound came softly behind me from the dishwasher as I stood shaking, tears rolling down my cheeks, trying to breathe. I stood utterly confused, […]